Dave Wigney, Scott Alexander, Graham Hills, Cameron Garlick, Gary Barnes, Richard Feledy, Glenn Green, Ryan Davis
"GT!" some-one yelled. The nickname stuck. To an Indonesian, Greeny and GT sound the same. After human pinballing himself at Da Thing, GT became the boat jester. His one liners had us all in stitches. His backhand bottom turns left us all thinking of TC at Inside Sunset. His catlike grace in the barrel was superb. As for the other blokes. Well Dave, Cameron and Moose we never got to know because they were in the water the whole time. The swell never got big this trip, but there was still plenty of uncrowded waves on offer. And when you score the big 3 righthanders in this area at 3-6ft·well the natural footers were not complaining. Old Grahame kept stirring his younger sibling, Scotty and mates up and showed them that old surfers can still get away without riding a Malibu. Rhino charged and after bouncing back from some weird Indonesian 24 hr bug ended up breaking his board and smashing his head on the reef and came up grinning! Dick taught Fynn how to pop his cheeks between surfs. All the boys were dads and were all great playmates for our little fella. A bloody good trip with the one mysto question. Was that really a GT that got away, or was it a Catfish? Me-owww!