Jason "Chucky" Hoey, Daniel "Uncle" Hoey, Paul Barga, Lionel Bance, Antoine Prat, Yoav Kipnes
The Jacksonville Mafia were back. "What would posess a man!" to try and score perfect waves with his mates. The start was great with some fun uncrowded stuff that had the goofy footers in heaven. A couple of Low pressure systems turned the whole chain to hell for a week. Luckily we managed to scratch into one hollow left that had Danny yelling "Booya and Bintang!" Uncle was getting toobed. The boys filled the freezer up with fish. Let the sailfish go. Caught it on film as well as many other antics. Had some fun little tows and great laughs. It was not the biggest waves. But there was a lot of good stuff in between.