John Sorley, Glenn Pickard, Glenn Dare, Craig Wearne, Garry Ross, Greg Barron, Peter Donohue, Scott Clemesha, Neil Scott, George Black.
Well, they say that caring is sharing, and these Maroubra lads obviously cared about each other. Although there were no skirts amongst this lot, a mysterious dress, but definitely no skirts.
Rossy, although being the oldest, was most likely to be labeled as the grommet of the trip, couldn't keep him out of the water. George loved the place and Helmet had to be the first at everything, including landing a beautiful 6kg Spaniard. Eddie only had to snarl at the waves and they would let him do whatever he wanted to them. Sticks was able to bend and stretch into whatever shape was required for the best ride and Pipes got a white knuckle version he was happy to see the end of.
Bluey, Pickles and Scary, who made up the walking wounded, got some great waves. In true Aussie fashion they weren't left on the battlefield and lived to surf another day. These boys could easily have been mistaken for grommets until on the way home with full sails set they knew all the words to some very old songs. But, wow, could they sing?!
Great trip, with great blokes, with a little cross dressing thrown in for free..