Jeff Sweeny, Graeme Taylor, Paul Hart, Glen Casey, Peter Mulholland, Dale Loader, Brett Loveless, David Johnstone
Let's talk about driving away from the name spots on a new swell and scoring one of the best breaks up here to ourselves. 4-6ft smoking lefthanders all bloody morning. It was not as big as some of the other spots on this day, but it was oh so perfect and uncrowded. Mobes' zen-like chanting from the Lizard Lounge whipped the Bells Beach boys into a frenzy. Gouging tube rides and soul arch slouches were all the go.
Shit, we've got to mention that 10ft set at another right that had them all wondering if those extra long sections were makeable. Who better to test it out than Sweens and Case. The wind turned and they came back stating it was very hard to surf. So we set up shop in the other waves on offer till the afternoon offshore gave us the perfection we so desired.
The stories this trip were like music to an old salts ears. Davo won this competition, hands down with his epics about White Pointers and Whales, he is a crayfisherman in the southern part of Australia where sea shantys are all the rave. Mind you, Tom's tale about a 10ft long singing tiger-snake came close. There were wax heads presented each evening for the "Big Balls" award and it was pretty easy to see these guys have been laughing their way through life.
Our fisherman took the claim of a rather large sailfish on a 15kg line. Photos were taken and it was allowed to swim away.
Dale, Eddie, and Nuttsy's wave quota soared. And Dale almost had the GT of the trip.
Most stoked of all was the Capt, who with a 6'9" Lynchy under his feet now has no excuse at all for pulling back··