Passengers: Matthew Bryant, Kurt Nyholm, Peter Horton, Stephen Humphry, Michael Brennan, Dale Farmilo, Tony Marshall, Wayne Layt, Rory Horton, Rory Hales.
Enter the second trip of an epic month separated by the biggest earthquake in the region since the Boxing Day, 2004 tragedy. We were on our way back in from the last trip and did not feel a thing. Fortunately there was no tsunami generated ... this time!
This trip was almost a replica of the last one. South Coast boys. Hard surfing and frothing. Swell built slowly and banged bigger than all expected. We attempted to surf as much and anywhere as possible. Named new spots. Renamed others. All scored waves of their life. Epics of the voyage include: Rory’s gut sliding backdoor tube domains, Kurt’s awesome surfing and the barrel everyone saw but no-one photographed..Wayno’s awesome surfing, Redog’s charging and getting a new spot named after a couple of below sea level jaunts, Horto’s ‘barrel-of-the-trip’ stitching all the young guns up, Dale’s lust for any type of wave, Tony scoring at the end of the trip after loving every spot we ventured to. Stevos back-side charging. Captains blinkers, Duke’s 3rd Birthday on Anzac Day with the blokes that surfed that epic east Coast swell of 2009. One of the ‘best ever’ trips in a very long time.